High Technology World Company S.r.l.
P.IVA 05379591000
© 2011 HTWC®
All rights reserved.
HTWC® is a trademark of High Technology World Company S.r.l. and/or its subsidiaries . All HTWC® products referred to are protected by copyright, the use of which is reserved for HTWC® and its dedicated partners and clients within the framework determined by HTWC®
All other product and company names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and are the property of, and may be trademarks of, their respective owners.
The information at the time of writing is believed to be accurate and correct however is intended as information only. HTWC® will not be responsible for decision made based upon the information provided particularly that not created by HTWC®.
HTWC registered trademarks include:
All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies
All product prices reported are list prices. HTWC® reserves the right to adapt prices according to market behavior so prices published are not binding. HTWC® reserves the right to offer discounts to selected partners and clients in line with HTWC® marketing practices.
We advise our partners and clients to confirm prices either with their local account manager or contact HTWC® at
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Annual list prices agreed with partners remain in accordance with the agreed contractual terms and conditions.
HTWC® employs a certification procedure as part of its product release.