City Counsel of Modena is the first Italian public administration to choose rehosting to reduce costs and to update their information systems.
DB2 tables have been migrated to an Oracle database. COBOL programs have been modified in order to work with Oracle. CICS has been replaced by XCICS/TS (XFRAME), which fully supports all the communication methods required by the application. The XCICS/TS BMS interface replicates the exact same actions of the CICS one, so no code change has been required to migrate the user interface.
CICS CWI interfaces programs and templates have been migrated to the new environment. Mantis calls towards CICS have been migrated on XCICS.
VSAM files and have been converted into XVSAM files.
A high depth customized conversion process has been applied to the JCL conversion according to its constraints.
HTWC completed the project in the time originally estimated.
City Counsel of Modena was satisfied with the achieved results and in terms of performance (30% better than before), stability (like the Mainframe or even better), TCO reduction.
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with any further questions.