PRODUCTS – Files to be attached


a.     XBM.trc. You can find this file in the directory specified by the parameter core.log.path in the file $HOME/etc/xbm.conf. To produce the log the parameter core.trace.level=2 must be set  in the file $HOME/etc/xbm.conf

b.     $HOME/logs/

c.     $HOME/etc/xbm.conf


a.     debmain.dat. To produce this file the parameter set core_trace = full must be set in the file $HOME/etc/xcics.conf

b.     The last produced file $HOME/logs/xcicslog.yymmddhhmmss

c.     $HOME/etc/xcics.conf

d.     xtnd trace file. You can find this file in the directory specified by the parameter trace file in the file $HOME/etc/xtnd.xml


a.     The content of the log directory of the server component:

              i.     %ICONHOME%\logs (Windows)

             ii.     $ICONHOME/logs (Unix)

b.     Problem at execution/parsing:

           iii.     The source code of the error

            iv.     All copies/includes members