APPLICATION ERRORS – Files to be attached


a.     debmain.dat. To produce this file the parameter set core_trace = full must be set in the file $HOME/etc/xcics.conf.

b.    debTTTT.nnnnnn of the terminal TTTT in use. To produce this file the parameter set task_trace = full must be set in the file $HOME/etc/xcics.conf.

If the transaction runs on a printer terminal add file deb.PRNT.nnnnnn

c.     The last produced file in $HOME/logs/xcicslog.yymmddhhmmss

d.     $HOME/etc/xcics.conf

e.     The program

f.      Data to run the program. If it is not possible write a program as example


a.     Jcl

b.     Syslst

c.     The program

d.     Data to run the program. If it is not possible write a program as example